Covenant Maternal Fetal Diagnostic Center
Covenant Maternal Fetal Diagnostic Center
The Maternal Fetal Medicine Center is a referral service for high-risk pregnancies. Your pregnancy is considered high-risk if you have a medical disorder that complicates your pregnancy, or if you or your fetus develop a complication during the pregnancy.
The center is staffed by maternal-fetal medicine (MFM) physician subspecialists (perinatologists) who are leaders in high-risk obstetric care and serve as consultants to general obstetricians. A MFM subspecialist is an obstetrician-gynecologist who has completed two-three years of additional formal education and clinical experience within a board approved fellowship program demonstrating competency in the diagnosis and treatment of women with complications in pregnancy. Our MFM physicians and nurses work closely with your general obstetrician to ensure the best outcome for your pregnancy.
The Covenant MFM staff are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of high-risk pregnancy conditions. In cases when the pregnancy is particularly complicated, or when very close pregnancy supervision is required, the staff can provide complete obstetrical care and delivery.
In addition to MFM physician subspecialists, our highly-trained specialty staff includes certified registered nurses, genetic counselors and registered dieticians who provide care with a personalized touch for high-risk pregnant women and their families.
Some examples of maternal and fetal conditions most commonly served include:
- Multiple gestations (twins, triplets, quadruplets)
- Fetal anomalies
- History of fetal or genetic anomalies in a prior pregnancy
- History of stillbirth
- History of recurrent pregnancy loss
- History of preterm birth or preterm labor
- History of poor obstetrical outcome in a prior pregnancy
- Cervical incompetence
- History of cervical surgery
- Advanced maternal age IVF pregnancy
- Diabetes (gestational diabetes, Type I, Type II)
- Maternal thrombophilias (e.g. antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, Factor V Leiden, prothrombin gene mutation, MTHFR mutation carrier)
- Lupus
- Maternal hypertension
- Maternal cardiac disease
- Maternal lung disease
- Maternal thyroid disease
- History of blood clots
The Maternal Fetal Medicine Center offers a wide range of prenatal diagnostic and consultative services, including:
- Maternal fetal medicine physician consultations from preconception through delivery
- Ultrasounds to assess for fetal anomalies
- Antenatal screening for fetal chromosomal anomalies
- Amniocentesis
- Genetic counseling
- Antepartum testing (nonstress tests and biophysical profiles)
- Doppler studies
- 4-D ultrasounds
- Diabetes education and management
- Nutritional education
The Perinatal Advisory Council is a committee of doctors, nurses and staff who work together to provide above and beyond care for our high-risk patients using excellent communication between all staff involved in a case and also with the family. Our goal is to offer patients the opportunity to meet and plan with every doctor and the multiple areas of expertise that may be involved in that family’s delivery and care as support for either mom or baby.
Our passionate team of high-risk specialists works to provide for our high-risk families by guiding them step-by-step through the often scary waters of high-risk pregnancy and delivery to reach the best possible outcome.
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